News — Cacao
Juan Andres Santelices

Ethical Consumer week: "Closing the Climate Gap" & Pacari Chocolate UK
Ethical Consumer Week 2021 will ask, what will it take to bridge the gap? How can businesses, governments and consumers work together to make the change required? And what might a fairer, more equitable world look like on the other side? Learn what we are doing and let us see what else can be done.
francisco escandon

VEGANUARY- how to make the new year right
You think #Veganuary is already over? Well, you thought wrong, there are still four more days to go to make an impact! Who knows, maybe you´ll like it so much that you will start a new trend with Vegabruary, Vegarch, Vegapril… More and more people are adopting a vegan lifestyle, realizing the multiple benefits this has on our health, our mind and also on our planet. Veganuary is the perfect opportunity to try an animal-free diet for a month to experience these advantages firsthand. And who knew that veganism could taste as delicious as it does with one of...
Pacari Chocolates

Deforestation caused by cacao
Pacari Chocolates avoids sourcing its cacao beans from any kind of monoculture (small or large) and works exclusively with small farmers that grow their cacao trees in the Amazon forest naturally avoiding the destruction of the forest to intentionally grow the cacao and helping this way in preserving the biodiversity of the rainforest in Ecuador.
By: Johana Mora Solorzano
Pacari Chocolates
Another Fabulous Healthy Cacao Smoothie Recipe
Prepared by Kira, Personal Trainer at MotivatePT
Who would have thought having chocolate for breakfast would be a healthy choice? This smoothie is a great option for those who are on the go and want an easy, nutritious snack.
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