Pauline Chen

Paccari's Take on the Chocolate Conundrum: Rising Prices and What's Next
In recent months, the cacao industry has faced new challenges causing a price rise. These challenges are intertwined and are largely influenced by environmental factors and market dynamics. To try to unwarp the complex situation we are in and understand the intricacies, we can start by looking at historical factors and today’s new changes. The Cocoa Industry Bringing the chocolate to every supermarket’s corner in the world today, making it a staple food for some, is a culture shaped by the world’s cocoa trade. The trade made it possible for chocolate to be no longer a luxury, but an impulse...
Juan Andres Santelices

Happy Earth Day 2024, it is time for actions!
For Our Planet Awards Winner!
Actions before words, that is what we have been doing here in the UK, even that we are small company.
We are the only Chocolate brand within the competitors on this Ecologi Four Our Planet awards!
Check more about it here!
Help us to make our impact greater click here
Happy Earth Day!
Juan Andres Santelices

Make Your Own Ethical Easter Eggs
Sarah Thompson who shared how she makes her own Ethical Easter Eggs with Paccari Chocolate. Learn more here about how to do it.
Juan Andres Santelices

Things we can all do and steps we can all take to help our planet
In my opinion one of the first things we should do to effectively go out of this climate crisis, is to educate ourselves. How do we do that? Well we can read books, attend courses and talks, registre and take online courses and use learning tools available online too. Discuss with our friends, colleagues, teachers and peers about what we have learned and what we may not understand. Here are some free platforms, hubs, newsletters, that you can access to gain more knowledge of what to do, how to do it and find resources that are available for us to...
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