News — chocolate cupcake
francisco escandon

VEGANUARY- how to make the new year right
You think #Veganuary is already over? Well, you thought wrong, there are still four more days to go to make an impact! Who knows, maybe you´ll like it so much that you will start a new trend with Vegabruary, Vegarch, Vegapril… More and more people are adopting a vegan lifestyle, realizing the multiple benefits this has on our health, our mind and also on our planet. Veganuary is the perfect opportunity to try an animal-free diet for a month to experience these advantages firsthand. And who knew that veganism could taste as delicious as it does with one of...
Pacari Chocolates

Chocolate Cupcakes
Today's recipe, a delicious chocolate cupcake, made with our single origin plain chocolate bars; including the single origin chocolate bars (from 60% cacao to 72% cacao) or the raw chocolate bars (from 70% cacao to 100% cacao). You can also use our chocolate couvertures also from 60% cacao to 100% cacao.
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