This year Ethical Consumer Week 2021, organised as always by Ethical Consumer Magazine is focusing on a very important topic, "Closing the Climate Gap" and we are going to be presenting on Monday 18th at 9AM, you can book your online space for free here and discuss with us some of this important issues related to the cacao supply chain and learn how we at Pacari are leading the way to do things differently, even that we are a small business and not a multinational with al the possible resources at their disposition.
Ethical Consumer Week 2021 will ask, what will it take to bridge the gap? How can businesses, governments and consumers work together to make the change required? And what might a fairer, more equitable world look like on the other side?
On Monday is the food and farming day, so many more interesting discussions and presentations, but all starts tomorrow Saturday with housing and energy and finishes on Friday the 22nd of October with retail.
Now that COP26 has brought the issue of climate to every household, let us discuss, think and act now, as tomorrow is already late.
Read more about Ethical Week here.
Te event is going to be hold online, holding a variety of online sessions, focusing on Closing the Climate Gap. Don't miss out and come along, I look forward to meeting you on Monday.
Juan Andres Santelices