News — Chocolate Show
Pacari Team

Pacari Chocolate Pudding Recipe!
Dear friends! Because life is not only about eating chocolate but also what can you do with it, we bring you this amazing recipe made by one of our team members! She made this with love to you so enjoy it! Pacari Chocolate Pudding Ingredients: (for 4 large portions) 150 g of Pacari chocolates 700 ml of milk of your choice 120 ml of (coconut) cream 150 g of sugar A pinch of salt 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 30 g of cornflour ***Optional***: 6 egg yolks (these help the pudding to thicken but can easily be left out for...
francisco escandon

VEGANUARY- how to make the new year right
You think #Veganuary is already over? Well, you thought wrong, there are still four more days to go to make an impact! Who knows, maybe you´ll like it so much that you will start a new trend with Vegabruary, Vegarch, Vegapril… More and more people are adopting a vegan lifestyle, realizing the multiple benefits this has on our health, our mind and also on our planet. Veganuary is the perfect opportunity to try an animal-free diet for a month to experience these advantages firsthand. And who knew that veganism could taste as delicious as it does with one of...
Juan Andrés Santelices
Pacari to launch award winning products at The Chocolate Show, London, 16-18 Oct 2015
Pacari, the first organic dark chocolate from Ecuador, has blazed its way into this fiercely competitive industry and is now one of the most talked about brands of chocolate in the world. With a mission to create the finest quality chocolate by using the best organic ingredients and ensuring they are ethically sourced, Pacari works together with small scale farmers to combine a sustainable business with a commitment to preserve the native Arriba Nacional cacao. And judging by their success year after year at The International Chocolate Awards, they have succeeded. Last year alone they won 14 awards, and...
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