Did you know that 2021 is the year of the Ox?
In the Chinese culture, the year doesn't start on January 1st, but a bit later, this year on February 12th, 2021. Don't miss out on this opportunity to celebrate (again), because let´s be honest: In times like these, we should use any excuse we get to celebrate! Major Plus: According to folk lore, the more traditions you follow, the more good fortune and prosperity you'll attract in the new year.
Chinese New Year is based on the lunar calendar, not the Gregorian one and starts when the new moon rises and ends 15 days later on the next full moon. Sounds poetic, doesn't it?
Usually, public celebrations like the Lion Dance, where two acrobats are inside one traditional costume, are a huge spectacle and adored by lots of people. Additionally, dragon creatures are lifted up on poles by the actors. If you have kids at home or just want to experience the Chinese mentality for yourself, here is a DIY tutorial for a Chinese New Year Dragon Craft Tutorial.
Even though, it is very unlikely that you are able to experience the astonishing Lion and Dragon Dances in real life this year, you can still view them on YouTube and maybe even try to imitate them in your living room. Just watch out not to damage any vases!
No matter what you are doing during these special 15 days - just wear red. It is considered as a lucky colour, since evil spirits and the mythological beast Nian hate red.
That´s why the hong bao, little envelopes with money, are also in red and usually given to the people who are special to you. But beware – the amount of money is actually quite important, since you should focus on giving a lucky number like 108 and unlucky numbers like four should be avoided!
Lockdown should be no obstacle for giving and receiving hong baos – weChat makes it possible for individuals to send them electronically!
Of course, holidays are always just as good as the quality of the food. Traditionally, meals include 8 (lucky number!) courses, but it differs from region to region. The most important part is the atmosphere of togetherness and sharing the meals together. Here are some delicious recipes for Jiaozi, delicious dumplings, or Nian gao, little cakes made of sticky rice for you to try out. But save some space for some dessert: oranges are symbols for good luck, so our delicious Organic Chocolate Bar with Orange is the perfect treat to combine good fortune and the sweet deliciousness of raw dark chocolate!
Another tradition to represent the togetherness of that holiday is the gift giving part, were friends and family exchange little goods. The most common ones beside money include candies and little snack boxes, since watches, pears, mirrors and umbrellas should be avoided. Check out our Dark Chocolate Gift Sets, which are all vegan, fairtrade and organic. We are sure, you´ll find something which is nearly as special as your loved ones are!
Or why not hold on to that thought of togetherness and get your loved ones something truly special, which you can enjoy all together? With an Online Chocolate Tasting event, you are not only sending them the joy of deliciousness, but simultaneously give them a shared experience, which truly highlights the mentality of Chinese New Year.
The next Online Chocolate Tasting Event will be on February 26th and can be booked here.
If you believe in signs: The chocolate tasting kit contains exactly eight (lucky number!!!) award-winning, organic, vegan, palm oil free, dark chocolate bars, so you not only have good luck in 2021, but in your case, good fortune will also taste absolutely delicious!
Author: Noa Flemming