News — climate emergency
Juan Andres Santelices

Things we can all do and steps we can all take to help our planet
In my opinion one of the first things we should do to effectively go out of this climate crisis, is to educate ourselves. How do we do that? Well we can read books, attend courses and talks, registre and take online courses and use learning tools available online too. Discuss with our friends, colleagues, teachers and peers about what we have learned and what we may not understand. Here are some free platforms, hubs, newsletters, that you can access to gain more knowledge of what to do, how to do it and find resources that are available for us to...
Juan Andres Santelices

Climate crisis, we have to act now!
Climate Crisis, we have to act now, we can all save our planet together. Let us share ideas and actions that we all a take and commit to do every day. Let us share them and discuss with everyone we know. Let us demand from corporations, politicians, political parties, small businesses, charities, faith groups and individuals to act now. Let us be a collective conscience that does not stop until we are back on track to save our planet. Yes we can! More importantly let us say "Yes we want, to save planet earth, the only planet where we can...
Juan Andres Santelices

12 steps we are taking to be Net Zero (letter from the Director)
We are developing a plan of action to reach Net-Zero by 2030, writing down policies and already implementing them or have implemented them already. We are part of Net Zero Scotland. We have also signed The SME Climate Commitment and we intend to go faster than that. It is a big goal and commitment for a small business like ours, but there are not excuses not to be serious and ambitious about it. If all individuals, SME's, corporate world and governments do the same then we have a chance to make it. Scotland's Government target is to get Net-Zero by 2045...
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