This year it feels our words run deeper than ever before. In whatever way it might be possible this year, we hope that you will feel surrounded by love (from near or afar), but also manage to find some way to take a moment for yourselves too.
We also hope to do the same: To be in the moment. And to try and remember what this normally crazy time of year is all about. For us, the need for community, helping each other out and friendship has never felt as huge, as it has this year in 2020.
At Pacari, we believe in the power of good. Of supporting people, our communities and the environment in which we live. We're so grateful for all of the love each and every one of you have given us in enjoying our chocolate and all that we do and stand for. And we wish you nothing but the happiest of Christmas and holiday seasons.
Love, Juan Andres and all the team at PacariUk.