Pacari Team

Pacari Vegan Chocolate Pancakes; Sweetly Sustainable !
Fluffy, sweet, chocolatey, delicious and ... vegan ! What more could you look for in a pancake recipe?
Pacari Team

Pacari Chocolate Pudding Recipe!
Dear friends! Because life is not only about eating chocolate but also what can you do with it, we bring you this amazing recipe made by one of our team members! She made this with love to you so enjoy it! Pacari Chocolate Pudding Ingredients: (for 4 large portions) 150 g of Pacari chocolates 700 ml of milk of your choice 120 ml of (coconut) cream 150 g of sugar A pinch of salt 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 30 g of cornflour ***Optional***: 6 egg yolks (these help the pudding to thicken but can easily be left out for...
Juan Andres Santelices

PACARI Chocolate and Fair Trade Fortnight 2021
What do you think when the days get longer, the weather gets warmer, and it slowly starts to feel like spring again? Of course, it´s Fairtrade Fortnight time! Every year at the end of February and the beginning of March, people all across the UK come together to share stories about fair and ethical business practices and also about their opposite: the exploitation and mistreatment of many in the mine, clothes and also in the cocoa industry. What a lot of people don´t know: Being Fairtrade certificated does not necessarily mean that you are buying something which is 100 %...
Juan Andres Santelices

Happy Chinese New Year!
Did you know that 2021 is the year of the Ox? In the Chinese culture, the year doesn't start on January 1st, but a bit later, this year on February 12th, 2021. Don't miss out on this opportunity to celebrate (again), because let´s be honest: In times like these, we should use any excuse we get to celebrate! Major Plus: According to folk lore, the more traditions you follow, the more good fortune and prosperity you'll attract in the new year. Chinese New Year is based on the lunar calendar, not the Gregorian one and starts when the new moon rises and...
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